My project porfolio contains working samples of React, Canvas, JavaScript, and web design and construction using CSS and HTML. To see my code, visit my GitHub repositories.
US Citizenship Study Guide
![Citizenship study guide icon](resources/img/citizenshipicon.png)
An online flashcard-based study guide for the US citizenship exam, built with React and the Who is My Representative API.
North Bay Landing Page
![North Bay Site icon](resources/img/northbay.png)
A mobile-responsive landing page for a fictional sailing company, featuring parallax images in desktop view.
Pastel Doodler
![pastel doodler icon](resources/img/pasteldoodlericon.png)
Inspired by the famous Wes Bos, this JavaScript project utilizes some of Canvas's most exciting features: drawing and saving. You can draw with the mouse or using your finger on mobile, select different colors to paint with, and save the image as a .PNG when you're finished.
DA:I Memory
![DA:I memory icon](resources/img/daiicon.png)
A JavaScript and Dragon Age: Inquisition twist on the traditional Memory game. Click to flip over the cards to reveal and match your Inquisition party members. A timer will count how long it takes to complete the game and how many tries it takes you to make all matches. Cards automatically flip back over if there is no match. Works on mobile as well!